The War Game (1965)

The War Game
Directed by Peter Watkins
Written by Peter Watkins
British Broadcasting Corporation
First viewing/Vimeo
One of 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die

[box] Commentator: These children are orphans of the attack. They were each asked what they now wanted to grow up to be.

Child: I don’t want to be nothing. [/box]

Excellent TV docu-drama about how British civilians would be affected by “limited nuclear war”

The BBC uses its standard newsreel format to make the radioactive and other fallout of “Hiroshima” size nukes on Britain real.  We see the shortages, overcrowding, horrific injuries and slow, agonizing radiation poisoning.  Message to leaders who see facile answers to international conflict in a nuclear option is still heartbreakingly relevant.

I was so glad to find this on Vimeo – Thanks Steve!  It was well worth seeing.  Recommended.

Despite the fact that the film is entirely fictional, it won the Academy Award for Best Documentary, Feature.


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