The Return of Don Camillo (1953)

The Return of Don Camillothe-return-of-don-camillo-1953
Directed by Julien Duvivier
Written by Julien Duvivier, René Barjavel, and Giuseppe Amato
Les Films Ariane/Filmsonor/Francinex/Rizzoli Film/Amato Film
First viewing/Netflix rental


Even if a unity of faith is not possible, a unity of love is. — Hans Urs von Balthasar

If you are looking for something charming and gently amusing, this might be just your cup of tea.

At the end of the previous film, Pepponi Battazi (Gino Servi), the Communist mayor of a small Italian town complained to the bishop when Don Camillo, the parish priest, threw a table at him.  The bishop responded by sending Don Camillo to another parish.  It turns out that this parish is in a village high in the Alps that cannot be reached by road.  Don Camillo does not fare well there.  For one thing, the crucifix in the church does not speak to him.

Pepponi isn’t faring too well either.  The local people refuse to be born, get married or die without their favorite priest.  Pepponi also needs Camillo’s assistance to convince a stubborn landowner to allow a dam needed to protect the village to flood a portion of his property.


So Don Camillo returns and the two resume their friendly war of wills.  The priest needs his bell tower repaired and withholds his assistance until he gets the money to do this.  Then we more or less get a humorous look at life in the village.  While ideology and religion continue to collide, in a clinch the people, not least the priest and the mayor, can be counted on to support one another.

return of camillo

This is another entertaining slice of life in the series.  I think I preferred the first film but enjoyed this one as well.

Trailer (no subtitles)

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