The Human Duplicators (1965)

The Human Duplicators (1965)
Directed by Hugo Grimaldi and Arthur C. Pierce
Written by Arthur C. Pierce
Woolner Brothers Pictures Inc./Hugo Grimaldi Film Productions
First viewing/YouTube

[box] It is always more fun to play a bad guy than to be yourself, as you can create a character unlike your own and be someone you are not for a change. — Richard Kiel[/box]

Richard Kiel is the chief of the charms of this early low-budget android picture.

Kiel plays Dr. Kolos, an alien who has been assigned by his masters to establish a colony on earth.  This he will do by “duplicating” humans, a process that leaves the person’s bodily shell resembling a cheep department store mannequin.  Failure is punishible by death.

Dr. Kolos is to be assisted in his work by earthling Professor Dornheimer (George McCready) who has  been experimenting with robots for years.  Kolos must resist the unseemly feelings elicited by the professor’s daughter Lisa.  In the meantime, the N.I.A., an intelligence agency is on the case.  With Hugh Beaumont as a big boss at the N.I.A. and Barbara Nichols as his right hand woman.

This mostly excellent cast does well with some absolutely dire dialogue and cheesy cheap production values – including a spaceship that greatly resembles a Christmas ornament.  I really liked Kiel in this one.  He seemed to have a twinkle in his eye as he recited his very odd dialogue.

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