The Far Country (1954)

The Far Country
Directed by Anthony Mann
Story by Borden Chase
Universal International Pictures

First viewing/Netflix rental


[box] Luke: Well, I knew it was coming. I warned you, I did. Where’s there’s gold, there’s stealing. Where there’s stealing, there’s killing. I knew it was coming. I just did know it.[/box]

This is not too bad but far from my favorite of the Stewart-Mann Westerns.

Stewart plays the now familiar role of Jeff Webster, a rugged and scarred individualist who neither asks nor offers help to anyone.  Well, he does have a soft spot for sidekick Ben Tatum (Walter Brennan).  Jeff is wanted for killing some workers who tried to make off with the cattle he was driving to Dawson City, Yukon.  He is apprehended in Skagway.

Conniving town boss Gannon is not too upset about the homicides but is all about confiscating the cattle for disrupting a hanging he was conducting.  While in Skagway, Jeff meets sassy saloon owner Ronda Castle (Ruth Roman) and sweet French-Canadian waif Renee Vallon.

Jeff steals his cattle back and with, Ronda and Renee, in tow continues on to Dawson City, Yukon where they are mighty hungry for a good steak.  Hot on his heels are Boss Gannon and his thugs who are hungry for the miners’ gold and claims.  Much peril and love-triangle romance ensue.

This is OK but very predictable.  It was filmed on location and has some awesome vistas of Alaska and Canada going for it.



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