The Entertainer (1960)

The Entertainer
Directed by Tony Richardson
Written by John Osborne and Nigel Kneale from Osborne’s play
Woodfall Film Productions
Repeat viewing?/FilmStruck


[box] Archie Rice: Old Archie isn’t going to get his oats after all.[/box]

Laurence Olivier delivers as a washed-up old musical hall performer.

Archie Rice (Olivier) runs roughshod over his long-suffering family on his way down the ladder of fame.  His father Billy (Roger Livesy) seems to have faired better in retirement than Archie is likely to do. Wife Phoebe (Brenda de Banzie) has put up with years of Archie’s womanizing and his sons Mick (Albert Finney), Frank (Alan Bates) and daughter  Jean (Joan Plowright) have no illusions about the old man.

During the course of the film, Archie resorts to romancing the young daughter of some potential backers in an effort to resuscitate his career.  All the while. his soldier son Mick is MIA somewhere in Egypt.

The principal reason to see this kitchen sink drama is Olivier.  He is acting way outside his comfort zone and is marvelous.  I particularly enjoyed watching him sing and dance in the music hall scenes.

This film contains the big screen debuts of both Bates and Finney.  Olivier met future wife Joan Plowright on the set.  He would remain married to her until his death in 1989.

Laurence Olivier was nominated for an Oscar for Best Actor.


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