The Curse of the Mummy’s Tomb (1964)

The Curse of the Mummy’s Tomb
Directed by Michael Carreras
Written by Michael Carreras
Hammer Films/Swallow Productions Ltd.
First viewing/Amazon Instant
One of 1000 on They Shoot Zombies Don’t They

[box] Alexander King: I must take you into my confidence and warn you. There is a curse which says that all persons present at the opening of a Pharaoh’s coffin and who gaze at the face of the mummy therein, shall die. You have been WARNED![/box]

This could have used more mummy and less romance and Fred Clark.

It’s the old story.  Egyptians are warning British archeologists against desecrating the tomb of Ra, Prince of Egypt.  Of course, they poo-poo the curse but the deaths start before they have even removed the mummy from the tomb.  The expedition has been financed by crass American Alexander King (Fred Clark) who insists that the mummy and riches of the tomb be displayed in his circus.  The chief archeologist quits in disgust but urges his assistants John and Annette to stay on.

Upon return to England, suave and mysterious Adam starts courting Annette creating the love triangle that will dominate the film.  In the meantime, at the big reveal the mummy’s coffin is found to be empty!  I don’t think I have to tell you what happens next.

This is not terrible but nothing great either.  Quite missable.


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