The Cardboard Lover (1928)

The Cardboard Lover
Directed by Robert Z. Leonard
Written by Lucille Newmark and Carey Wilson from a play by Jacques Deval
Cosmopolitan Pictures for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
IMDb page
First viewing/You Tube

Title card: The French Riviera – Where American tourists think a chateau is a hat… and the Big Casino is the ten of diamonds.

Marion Davies is once again adorable and Nils Asther is dreamy but it’s not as good as the similar story told in The Patsy released the same year.

Sally (Davies) is on holiday in the French Riviera with her American flapper friends.  She is an awkward but lovable goofball and starstruck to boot.  She tries to get an autograph from handsome tennis champ Andre (Asther) without success.   Andre is having problems with his duplicitous lover Simone.  So Sally volunteers to help Andre make Simone jealous.  If you don’t know where this is going you need to see some more romcoms.

This is cute but it drags at only 50 minutes.  But Davies is cute and I think Asther is the most beautiful of all the early Lotharios so I didn’t mind much.  The print on YouTube is pretty poor but watchable.

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