The Terror of Tiny Town (1938)

The Terror of Tiny Town
Directed by Sam Newfield
Written by Fred Myton and Clarence Marks
Jed Buell Productions/Principal Productions

First viewing/Netflix rental


[box] Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen and children of all ages, we’re going to present for your approval a novelty picture with an all midget cast, the first of it’s kind to ever be produced. I’m told that it has everything, that is everything that a western should have.[/box]

I found myself actually enjoying this exploitation picture.  I have definitely seen worse Westerns.

The Terror of Tiny Town features every component of the Westerns of the day including: feuding ranchers, a Romeo and Juliet romance between their kin, a cattle-rustling villain, his saloon-singer sweetie, a corrupt sheriff, and comic-relief townspeople.  But this Western adds a bunch of songs that are just the icing on the cake.

Is it wrong to enjoy an all-midget, all-singing Western?  Then I must plead guilty.  Once I got past the concept, I enjoyed it as much as the best “B” Western I have ever seen.

Clip – Saloon scene

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