Sword of the Beast (1965)

Sword of the Beast (Kedamono no ken)
Directed by Hideo Gosha
Written by Hideo Gosha and Elizaburo Shiba
Shochiku-Fuji Company/Shochiku Eiga
First viewing/FilmStruck

[box] Minister: Wait! We’re not connected at all. Why kill me?

Yuuki Gennosuke: No, we *are* connected because I’ll see you in hell.[/box]

The confusing and convoluted plot is punctuated by some exciting sword fighting, fine filmmaking, and excellent acting.

The year is 1857, shortly after Admiral Perry opened Japan. Ace swordsman Yuuki Gennosuke (Mikijiro Hira) is on the run after having killed his clan’s counsellor on the false claims of a clansman that the assassination will pave the way to reform and, most importantly, will get Gennosuke a retainer with the clan.  Now the counsellor’s daughter, her fiance, and a bunch of ninja are on a vendetta to kill him.

Simultaneously, Gennosuke teams up with a thug who wants to poach gold from the shogun’s mountain.  Gennosuke learns that rival swordsman Junata Yamane and his wife have already amassed a large amount through panning.  He figures it is easier to steal it than to pan for it. Gennosuke’s multitudinous enemies engage him in a series of elaborate sword fights throughout.

I never did get a complete grasp on the story but it is secondary.  Hiro is really superb and the direction keeps things moving and interesting.  I love the part where he tests out his hiding place for room to perform various sword maneuvers.  Recommended to fans of this sort of thing.


Trailer – no subtitles

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