Spider Baby or, the Maddest Story Ever Told (1967)

Spider Baby, or the Maddest Story Ever Told
Directed by Jack Hill
Written by Jack Hill
First viewing/Amazon Prime
One of 1000 Movies on They Shoot Zombies, Don’t They?


[box] Schlocker: This has gone well beyond the boundaries of prudence and good taste.[/box]

Watched this in hopes of a so-bad-its-good movie.  Surprised at how down-right entertaining it was.

Bruno (Lon Chaney Jr.) works as caretaker for the Merrye Family manse. He has three very weird young people in his charge. We learn in the intro that the children suffer from a hereditary curse that causes them to regress in age until they reach a pre-natal state. Who knew that before birth we were cannibals that identify with venomous spiders! Bruno really has his hands full.

One fine day, the household is visited by an evil aunt, her grasping attorney, and a couple of fairly decent other people. They have no idea what they are in for.  With Mantan Moreland as the first victim.

I would classify this as a very black comedy that also qualifies as horror though I was never scared.  Lon Chaney Jr. finally gets a role he can sink his teeth into and is very good!  The rest of the cast rises up to meet him.  I thought the film was fun and entertaining.


I’m going out of town for a week.  See you when I come back.

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