The Space Children (1958)

The Space Children
Directed by Jack Arnold
Written by Bernard C. Schoenfeld; story by Tom Filer
Paramount Pictures
First viewing/Amazon Instant

[box] If you go on with this nuclear arms race, all you are going to do is make the rubble bounce. — Winston Churchill [/box]

Not every B-picture directed by Jack Arnold can be The Incredible Shrinking Man.  That said, I thought this was much better than its IMDb rating.

The Brewster family is moving to the seaside so that Dad can work on a not-so-secret satellite capable of dropping an H-bomb from space.  Somehow the beach seems sinister to Mom and she has good instincts.  The two young sons see a blinding flash from the sky but no one will pay attention to them.  On their first outing with the neighbor children, they explore a cave where they discover a glowing brain-like object.  This promptly hypnotizes the kids into doing its bidding.

The film suffers from a miniscule special effects budget.  This means that we have no alien action and, indeed, only a few glimpses of the creature.  So Arnold has to create suspense where none really exists and is only partially successful.  I though it was well-made for what it was.


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