Return of the Fly (1959)

Return of the Fly
Directed by Edward Berends
Written by Edward Berends from the short story “The Fly”
Associated Producers
First viewing/Netflix rental

[box] [first lines] Francois Delambre: [voice over] Here passes from this earth Helene Delambre, widow of my brother, Andre, whom I loved deeply, hopelessly. She was destroyed in the end by dreadful memories, a recollection of horrors that did not dim as the years went on, but instead grew monstrously, and left her mind shocked and unsteady, so that death, when it came, was a blessed release.[/box]

Along with the color, this sequel removes a certain oomph from the original.  It’s very watchable though.

Philippe, the son of star-crossed inventor Andre Delambre and his beloved wife Helene, is left an orphan at the beginning of the film.  Kindly uncle Francois (Vincent Price) takes him under his wing.   Not even the most doting uncle can keep the boy out of his father’s lab, however.  Fate has a double-whammy in store.

This is quite OK.  The effects are good but nowhere near as creepy in black-and-white.


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