Pigskin Parade (1936)

Pigskin Parade
Directed by David Butler
Written by Harry Tugent et al
Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation

First viewing


[box] Slug Winters: If I only had a brain.[/box]

This collegiate musical is notable chiefly for being the first feature film of 14-year-old Judy Garland.

Yale is looking for a credible opponent it can beat at its homecoming game.  The board selects the University of Texas but, by mistake, the football team at Texas State in the tiny town of Prairie is invited.

Texas’s new coach Slug Winters (Jack Haley) is straight from coaching high school.  He and his wife Betty (Patsy Kelly) arrive to find a pathetic team.  Matters get worse when their “star” player breaks his leg while being coached by Betty.  But the couple discovers a natural talent in the boonies and bring him and his cousin Sairy to the university.  Laughs, singing, and dancing ensue.

Judy Garland’s singing was amazing right out of the box.  Otherwise, I find Patsy Kelly terribly annoying and the story is silly and forgettable.


Clip – Judy Garland singing “The Texas Tornado” – age 14


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