Nothing But the Truth (1929)

Nothing But the Truth
Directed by Victor Schertzinger
Written by John McGowan from a play by James Montgomery and a novel by Frederic H. Isham
Paramount Pictures
IMDb page
First viewing/YouTube

E.M. Burke: Oh, you’re a smart little fellow, aren’t you?
Robert Bennett: My mother thinks I am.
E.M. Burke: You wouldn’t want to buy any of this stock yourself, would you?
Robert Bennett: Oh, I… I don’t want to change my mother’s opinion.

I saw this two weeks ago and can remember nothing about it but the barest plot outline.  The definition of not essential.

Robert Bennett (Richard Dix) invests his fiancee’s money on a bet that he will not tell a lie for 24 hours.  His friends are eager betters on the other side.  Robert is not quite prepared for the spots his friends maneuver him into that require him to avoid the little white lies that polite society relies on.

Stills from this are few and far between. Here is Helen Kane (the voice of Betty Boop) performing.

I remember thinking this was OK but little else.  Richard Dix, who I absolutely hated in Cimarron (1931), is growing on me.  His “big” persona is perfect for this type of comedy.


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