My Bodyguard (1980)

My Bodyguard
Directed by Tony Bill
Written by Alan Ormsby
IMDb page
Repeat viewing/YouTube

Clifford Peache: Will you be my bodyguard? I’ll pay you fifty cents every day. I’ll do your homework for you. I’m pretty smart.

The other day I revisited Tony Bill’s “My Bodyguard” (1980) which I remembered fondly from its original release. It did not disappoint.

Clifford (Chris Makepeace) is a vertically challenged kid who lives with his father (Martin Mull) and crazy grandmother (Ruth Gordon) in the ritzy hotel dad manages. From his first day of high school he and other weaker boys are bedeviled by a bunch of bullies led by Mooney (Matt Dillon).

Clifford hires a big intimidating loner named Lindermsn( Adam Baldwin) to be his bodyguard. In the process, he learns how to be a friend and stand up for himself.

I liked this in the movie theater and remembered so much about it all these years later. Dillon was so  gorgeous in this film even if he was a bad guy!  Joan Cusak made her film debut as one of the few female characters in the movie.

Missing Theme Song

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