Movie Crazy (1932)

Movie Crazy
Directed by Clyde Bruckman and Harold Lloyd
Written by Vincent Lawrence et al
The Harold Lloyd Corporation
First viewing/Amazon Instant

[box] Miller: What kind of parts do you play?

Harold Hall aka Trouble: Aw, heroes.

Miller: Well, that means we gotta get a dame.[/box]

I haven’t seen a lot of Harold Lloyd films.  If they are mostly like this one, I am not a fan.

Harold Hall (Lloyd) is starstruck and answers a Hollywood producer’s call for new faces. He accidentally slips the photo of a handsome man in with the letter instead of his own. Harold is invited to Hollywood for a screen test.  Before he can get that far, he manages to destroy an entire film set while acting as an extra.  His screen test is an even bigger disaster.  Most of the movie covers the relationship between Harold and starlet Mary Sears (Constance Cummings), which is rocky due to his penchant for creating mayhem where ever he appears.  For some reason she begins to find this endearing after awhile.  But the big break comes when the big boss thinks all the film footage they have is hilariously funny.

I’ve been kind of under the weather and that may have influenced my response to this movie.  I found Lloyd’s antics irritating rather than funny in the main.  Give me my new 30’s faves Wheeler and Woolsey anytime.

Clip – Harold Lloyd meets Constance Cummings

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