Lemonade Joe (1964)

Lemonade Joe (Limonadovy Joe aneb konska opera)
Directed by Oldrich Lipsky
Written by Oldrich Lipsky and Jiri Brdecka from Brdecka’s novel
Filmove studio Barrandov
First viewing/Netflix rental


[box] Lemonade Joe: [Lands on his feet after falling some 200 feet, right in front of the hostile band, taking them by surprise. Performs some thorough finger-spinning with his twin shooters, finally aiming them at the band] Understandably, hands up.[/box]

From behind the Iron Curtain comes a spoof of Westerns and capitalism.  Some of the jokes drag on too long but it’s basically good fun.

The style mimics silent and early talkie B Westerns complete with tinting and plenty of melodrama.  The story takes place in Stetson City where the hardscrabble inhabitants drink at the Trigger Whiskey Saloon operated by Doug Badman.  Eventually the lovely Winifred Goodman and her father come to town to preach temperance.  Immediately, thereafter we are introduced to Lemonade Joe, hero and spokesman for KolaLoka lemonade.  The remainder of the story deals with Joe’s efforts to protect Winifred from the nefarious advances of Doug Badman’s brother Horace and to avoid the advances of saloon singer Tornado Lou himself.

This is one silly gag after another.  Most of these are funny though some outstay their welcome causing the short movie to drag somewhat.  There are songs throughout.  Interesting that Capitalism triumphs!

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