Laughter in Paradise (1951)

Laughter in Paradise
Directed by Mario Zampi
Written by Michael Pertwee and Jack Davies
Associated British Picture Corporation/Mario Zampi Productions
First viewing/Amazon Instant


[box] Deniston Russell: With all this on my mind I just cannot face her tonight.

Simon Russell: Couldn’t face her any night. [/box]

I was in the mood for a good comedy and this one fit the bill perfectly.

Henry Russell is a millionaire and notorious practical joker.  His will contains his crowning achievement.  It leaves 50,000 pounds each to a number of relatives but only on conditions designed to challenge their greatest personal weaknesses.  Each relative must complete a task within 28 days.  The relatives will be disinherited if they reveal the will’s terms to any one before 28 days pass or if any of them contest the will.

Henry’s sister Agnes is a bitter spinster who has become nasty taskmaster to her staff.  She is required to get a job as a domestic and hold it without getting fired or quitting.  His nephew is a timid bank clerk.  His job is to hold up the bank with a toy pistol.  Brother (?) Denniston (Alistair Sim) is a retired military officer who writes pulp fiction under an assumed name on the sly.  His fiancee and her father would be scandalized if they knew.  Denniston must manage to get himself arrested and spend 28 days in jail.  Finally, chronically broke playboy Simon must marry the first woman he talks to after the will is read.

All these people have one difficulty after another completing their assignments and get themselves into thoroughly ridiculous situations in the process.  With Ernest Thesinger as the family solicitor and Audrey Hepburn in a tiny part as a cigarette girl.

I came for my beloved Alistair Sim and ended up thoroughly enjoying myself.  I laughed out loud several times – something I have not done at some of the more famous Ealing Studio comedies of the period.  Recommended.


Don’t blink!

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