King Rat (1965)

King Rat
Directed by Bryan Forbes
Written by Bryan Forbes from a novel by James Clavell
Repeat viewing/AmazonInstant

Cpl. King: [while preparing meal] If you don’t want to eat it, you can sit and watch, it’s a free prison!

I remembered this being excellent from my first viewing years and years ago.  The rewatch confirmed my memory.

Cpl. King (George Segal) is one of the few Americans in a Japanese POW camp mostly occupied by British prisoners.  The thoroughly amoral King, better known as “King Rat”, is not only a skilled scavenger but a throughly corrupt opportunist and liar.  He is always freshly bathed, shaved, and uniformed.  The rest of the prisoners are basically starving to death.  Lt. Robin Grey (Tom Courtney) has vowed vengeance.

When King discovers upper-crust British Lt. Peter Marlowe (James Fox) speaks the local language, he decides to befriend him.  Marlowe is soon seduced by such delicacies as fresh eggs and begins translating for King. With  John Mills as the superior officer at camp, James Donald as the camp doctor, and Denholm Elliot as one of the prisoners.

I just love this movie.  The story is absorbing and the fantastic cast is at the  top of its game.  I haven’t seen all his work, but I am willing to bet this is Segal’s best performance. I liked the silent moments as much as the action.  Highly recommended.

Bernard Guffey was nominated for an Oscar for his stunning B&W cinematography.  King Rat was also nominated for Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Black-and-White.


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