Kill Baby … Kill! (1966)

Kill Baby … Kill! (Operazione paura)
Directed by Mario Bava
Written by Romano Migliorini, Roberto Natale, and Mario Bava
F.U.L. Films
First viewing/Netflix rental
They Shoot Zombies Don’t They?

[box] [on why his films were more popular with Americans and the French than Italians] Because they are more stupid than us! – Mario Bava[/box]

Bava always does a lot with a little.  Not bad, not a favorite either.

The setting is early Twentieth Century Transylvania.  A mother takes out her vengeance on the villagers she blames for the death of her seven-year-old daughter.  If the daughter’s ghost appears to a person, “suicide” follows soon after.  The town’s only salvation may be a witch who is almost as creepy as the ghost.

There are some genuinely creepy moments but Bava takes it too far with the camerawork in this one at times.  Some of the “ghostly” effects look like something out of an old video game.  I was able to watch in Italian with sub-titles.

Clip – dubbed version

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