Headin’ North (1931)

Headin’ North (1931)
Directed by John P. McCarthy
Written by John P. McCarthy
Trem Carr Pictures
IMDb page
First viewing/Amazon Prime rental

“Chris asks, “What are you going to stick to?”
“Mah guns, boy, mah guns,” I tell him. “That’s the Code of the West.”
― Robert M. Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry Into Values

I decided to take a chance on this obscure B Western and was not disappointed.

Jim Curtis (Bob Steele) takes the heat for his father when the later embezzles funds and loans them to a gambler who promises him a “sure thing”.  But the gambler instead kills the dealer and takes off with the embezzled funds and more.  Jim escapes from jail and pursues the gambler while the marshall pursues him.

Jim is accompanied by a friend he met while hiding out at a ranch.  The two are forced to disguise themselves as entertainers to elude the law, giving themselves time to reveal hidden talents as a pretty fair song and dance team.  Of course, a Western wouldn’t be a Western without a love interest.

I had never seen anything with Bob Steele and was surprised to find that the rather slight, unassuming young man turned out to be him!  He’s a good actor and also good with his fists.

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