The Giant Behemoth (1959)

The Giant Behemoth (AKA Behemoth the Sea Monster)
Directed by Douglas Hickox and Eugene Lourie
Written by Eugene Lourie and Daniel James; story by Robert Abel and Allen Adler
Artistes Alliance Ltd./Diamond Pictures Corp.
First viewing/Amazon Instant

[box] Dr. Sampson, the Paleontologist: Oh, it’s heading for the Thames. They always made for the freshwater rivers to die. [/box]

Neither good enough nor bad enough to float my boat.  Meh.

Marine biologist Steve Karnes (Gene Evans) has discovered that the fallout from atomic testing in the Pacific results in unequal distribution of radioactivity.  In particular, the intensity of the radioactivity increases as it travels up the food chain.  In the way of these things, the top of the food chain turns out to be a prehistoric sea dinosaur.  To make matters worse, the monster is also electric, like an eel.  And it’s on its way to devour London.

It takes a long time for this film to get to the monster action and when it does it is nothing really special, despite Willis O’Brien’s handiwork.


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