Darby O’Gill and the Little People (1959)

Darby O’Gill and the Little People
Directed by Robert Stevenson
Written by Lawrence Edward Watkin suggested by “Darby O’Gill stories” by H.T. Kavanaugh
Walt Disney Productions
First viewing/Netflix rental

[box] King Brian: Three wishes I’ll grant ye, great wishes an’ small! But you wish a fourth and you’ll lose them all! [laughs][/box]

This pleasant family film might make good St. Patrick’s Day viewing if you’ve already seen The Quiet Man too many times.

Darby O’Gill (Albert Sharpe) is getting on in years.  He and his daughter Katie (Janet Munro) are caretakers of an aristocratic estate.  Since his wife died, Darby is more interested in spinning tales about leprechauns at the local pub than he is in his duties.  The Lord of the place decides it is time to retire Darby and replace him with the energetic young Michael McBride (Sean Connery).  When Darby learns of this demotion, King Brian of the Leprechauns decides it is time for the old man to join his kind permanently.

Before this can happen, however, Darby must keep Katie out of the clutches of the local bully and arrange her match with Michael.

This is exactly what any one would expect from a 50’s Disney presentation of The Old Sod.  It hits each and every stereotypical note with great affection.  Actually, it’s pretty entertaining and a good way to get acquainted with the pre-Bond Connery.

Clips – Sean Connery sings!

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