Creature of Destruction (1967)

Creature of Destruction
Directed by Larry Buchanan
Written by Tony Huston
Azalea Picures
First viewing/YouTub

[box] Opening title card: There is no monster in the world so treacherous as man. Montaigne.[/box]

If only the monster had more screen time this could qualify as a fun bad movie.  Unfortunately, he only shows up briefly and usually after dark.

A mad hypnotist (Les Tremayne) discovers that his beautiful assistant was a sea monster in a previous life.  He figures out how to revert the assistant to monster form.  He starts making predictions of the future predicting time and place of a bunch of murders.  Both an open-minded military psychologist and the cops have identified the hypnotist has being behind the murders.  There’s other stuff that happens, including  of teenagers dancing to a rock band.  Admittedly, I was not paying close attention but little of the plot really made sense to me.

I took a break from the high-brow viewing at the top of my 1967 list to watch Larry Buchanan’s Creature of Destruction. Buchanan is in my pantheon of so-bad-its-good movie directors so I had to.  This is another cheapie feature made to pad out AIP’s television package.

Imagined conversation –

Costume and makeup designer: How am I supposed to create a creature with only $10? 
Buchanan:  Well I have this old wet suit. 
Designer:  Will it fit the actor? 
Buchanan: We will make it work. 
Designer:  What about the face? 
Buchanan: Well I still have the ping pong ball eyes left over from Curse of the Swamp Creature! (1966).  LOL. 

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