Block-Heads (1938)

Directed by John G. Blystone
Written by Charlie Rogers, Felix Adler, et al

Hal Roach Studios
First viewing


[box] Oliver: But, Toots, Stan is different.

Mrs. Hardy: I’ll say he’s different![/box]

For some reason, this just did not tickle my funny bone.

The story opens in the trenches of WWI France.  Ollie departs for combat with the rest of his battalion leaving Stan to guard the trench.  Twenty years later, Stan is still guarding it. When he shoots down a French pilot, he is sent home where he is reunited with Ollie. The two get in to many “fine messes”.

The film was announced as being the last Laurel & Hardy movie and it was the last Hal Roach production for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.  Laurel & Hardy went on to make many films at Hal Roach Studios.

Happy Thanksgiving to all celebrants!

Clip – first scene

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