Animal Farm (1954)

Animal Farm
Directed by Joy Batchelor and John Halas
Written by Lothar Wolff, Borden Mace et al from the book by George Orwell
Halas & Batchelor
Repeat viewing/Netflix rental
#295 of 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die

[box] “No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?” ― George Orwell, Animal Farm[/box]

A little Disney-fication aside, this animated feature is a powerful rendering of the book.

Farmer Jones has become a drunken lout and is no longer properly caring for his animals. So one night they meet and under the chairmanship of the pig Old Major decide to revolt.  Their battle cry is “All animals are equal.” Sadly, Old Major dies before the revolution can take place.  Soon all the animals fight bravely for the cause and oust Farmer Jones.  At first, all, save the pigs, work very hard to make the farm thrive.

As time goes on, the pig Napoleon makes himself dictator.  Gradually, the principles of the revolution are abandoned in favor of a luxurious life for the pigs.  The animals soldier on, particularly the strong and loyal horse Boxer and his friend the donkey but can hardly surmount the mismanagement of the farm.  Things get worse and worse as the pigs begin to sell the farm goods to humans for their own benefit. Finally, poor Boxer is worked to death but from his demise comes the seeds of counter-revolution.

This has a few cute ducklings to appeal to the kiddies but otherwise pulls no punches in presenting Orwell’s allegory of Communist Russia.  There is a fair amount of onstage animated violence and death.  The animation is very well done and the score is great.  The ending was changed a bit from the book but otherwise it is a faithful retelling.  Recommended.


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