The Amazing Transparent Man (1960)

The Amazing Transparent Man
Directed by Edgar G. Ulmer
Written by Jack Lewis
Miller Consolidated Pictures/Exclusive Road Show Attraction
First viewing/Amazon Prime

[box] Major Paul Krenner: You’re bitter, Faust – mean and bitter. You trust no one, and you hate everyone. You’re just the man I need and understand.[/box]

The man is neither amazing nor entirely transparent.

Major Paul Krenner is insane and devoted to his plan to rule the world through creating an invisible army.  He has kidnapped a young girl and blackmailed her German scientist father into working on an invisibility technique involving radiation.  Next he cons ex-con bank robber Joey Faust into being a human guinea pig in his experiment.  Naturally, the invisibility formula contains a few glitches.

The only reason to see this movie would be if you want to understand how great James Whale’s The Invisible Man is in comparison.  Ulmer was forced to simulate invisibility with a zero special effects budget.  Thus the only gimmick the movie has going for it is a complete dud.  Don’t waste your time like I did.


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