A Woman Under the Influence (1974)

A Woman Under the Influence
Directed by John Cassavetes
Written by John Cassavetes
IMDb page
Repeat viewing/Criterion Channel


Nick Longhetti: Mabel is not crazy, she’s unusual. She’s not crazy, so don’t say she’s crazy.

Almost too intense to bear, this domestic psychodrama is a must-see for its performances.

Nick Longhetti (Peter Falk) holds a blue collar job on a highway maintenance crew.  His wife Mabel (Gena Rowlands) stays home and cares for their three young children.  The couple clearly love each other very much.  The problem is that Mabel keeps kind of slipping and sliding into a world of her own.  She is also painfully socially inept.  Nick is the kind of guy that is never happier than when staging a big party and these are torture for her.

Nick lets her down on a date night and Mabel is not in a good state when she decides to host a little party for her children and their friends.  Her idea of fun includes dancing to imaginary music and playing dress-up and make-up as the kids ransack the house.  The father of one arrives and is appalled by what he sees.

Somehow Mabel’s mother-in-law (Katherine Cassavetes) gets involved. Imagine the worst most insensitive mother-in-law on the planet and multiply by two.  She convinces Nick that Mabel needs to be hospitalized.  Her psychiatrist arrives.  A pitched battle ensues as Mabel resists being taken away with all her strength.

Six months later, Mabel has just been released from the hospital.  Nick’s idea for a homecoming is to invite all of his friends and all of their extended family for a surprise celebration and feast.  This does not work out well either and another donnybrook ensues. Lady Rowlands played Mabel’s mother.

Gena Rowlands gives an absolutely incredible performance as Mabel.  She was so vulnerable it hurt.  And Peter Falk is fantastic as her clueless but faithful spouse.  The entire cast lets everything hang out.  There is a lot of chaotic shouting and even physical violence.   The screenplay is raw and real.  As far as I am concerned this is a must-see, albeit an exhausting one.  I can equally see why some people might hate it.

Gena Rowlands was nominated for the Best Actress Oscar.  John Cassavetes was nominated for Best Director.

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