Daily Archives: July 10, 2024

The Grey Fox (1982)

The Grey Fox
Directed by Phillip Borsos
Written by John Hunter
IMDb page
First viewing/YouTube

Miner: A professional always specializes.

Richard Farnsworth is excellent as a man who adapts his skills to a new century.

The setting is the first years of the 20th Century in the Pacific Northwest.  Bill Miner (Farnsworth) was a talented and successful stagecoach robber  back in the day.  He has just been released from 33 years in prison and heads to his sister’s place in Washington State.  He gets a job harvesting oysters.  He craves adventure though and is inspired to try his hand at a new specialty after he sees The Great Train Robbery (1903).

Bill escapes to Canada after his first job.  His affable and courtly demeanor makes him a lot of friends in British Columbia and wins the heart of free-thinking photographer Kate Flynn (Jackie Burroughs).  But the law is always one step behind him.

Farnsworth’s charismatic performance should really be seen.  The other highlights are the film’s beautiful cinematography and score.  Recommended.