Pumping Iron (1977)

Pumping Iron
Directed by George Butler and Robert Fiori
Based on the book “Pumping Iron” by George Butler and Charles Gaines
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You have to remember something: Everybody pities the weak; jealousy you have to earn. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

Don’t know whether body building is a sport.  If it is this is one of the great sports documentaries.  If not, it’s a vaey interesting psychological study.

The setting is Pretoria South Africa in 1975, where the Mr. Universe (amateur) and Mr. Olympia (professional) body-building championships are to be held.  We watch various competitors training and talking about their competition.  The film focuses on two contenders for the Mr. Olympia title – 5-time winner Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lou (“The Incredible Hulk”) Ferrigno.

Ferrigno is a taller,  bigger man than Schwarzenegger.  He trains under the guidance of his father, which may be a blessing or a curse.  Both are utterly determined to defeat Schwarzenegger.

Schwarzenegger has not a worry in the world.  It is a amazing how much charisma can be packed into the massive body of a big jerk.  He frankly admits to spending much of his time giving bad advice to his opponents and otherwise psyching them out.  But this ruthless man has a big smile on his face the whole time and you can see how he would be able to do almost anything he set his mind to.

I have never found muscle bound men particularly attractive and am not a fan of body building.  You don’t have to be to enjoy this film.  It made a household name out of Schwarzenegger and the rest is history.  If the topic appeals, go for it.

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