1946 Recap – 10 Favorite Films

I saw 80 films that were released in 1946, including shorts, documentaries, and B films reviewed here.  Sadly, I discovered only one new-to-me favorite to add to my top ten list.  Perhaps that was to be expected in this year full of classics.

Here are my favorites in reverse order.  (I added the Kurosawa film and dropped The Blue Dahlia from my original list.)

10.  No Regrets for Our Youth (directed by Akira Kurosawa)

no regrets 3

9.  Great Expectations (directed by David Lean)


8.  Shoeshine (directed by Vittorio De Sica)


7.  My Darling Clementine (directed by John Ford)

my darling clementine

6.  The Big Sleep (directed by Howard Hawks)


5.  The Killers (directed by Robert Siodmak)


4.  Beauty and the Beast (directed by Jean Cocteau)


3.  It’s a Wonderful Life (directed by Frank Capra)

its-a-wonderful-life-1946-james-stewart-zuzu2.  Notorious (directed by Alfred Hitchcock)


1.  The Best Years of Our Lives (directed by William Wyler)

best years 3

Bonus:  I gave the Academy Award-winner for Best Short, Cartoon, The Cat Concerto, a 10/10.  I think this is simply the best Tom and Jerry cartoon ever made.  A couple of versions are currently available on YouTube.

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