Jaws (1975)

Directed by Steven Spielberg
Written by Peter Benchley and Carl Gottlieb from Benchley’s novel
IMDb page
Repeat viewing/Amazon Prime rental
One of 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die

Quint: Farewell and adieu to you, fair Spanish ladies. Farewell and adieu, you ladies of Spain. For we’ve received orders for to sail back to Boston. And so nevermore shall we see you again.

The 27-year-old Spielberg produced a classic of action and suspense and the ultimate summer blockbuster in only his second feature film.

Surely everyone knows the plot but I need to put some text between my photos!  Amity Island is a New England beach resort community with a short tourist season that peaks on the 4th of July.  As the film begins, a couple of teenagers are out for a moonlight swim.  Menacing music is heard and the girl starts flailing and is dragged under the water.

Brody (Roy Scheider), the island’s Chief of Police, is alerted to partial remains found on shore.  The mayor (Murray Hamilton) and business community desperately want this the death to have been the result of a motorboat accident.  Brody calls in shark expert Hooper (Richard Dreyfuss) who quickly determines it to have been a shark attack.

Then a shark attacks a young boy in front of a whole beach packed with tourists.  At a meeting to discuss the situation, the Mayor reluctantly agrees to close the beach for one day.  An old-timey fisherman named Quint (Robert Shaw), who speaks like a 19th century whaler, offers to catch the shark for $10,000.  This offer is declined.  Local fishermen catch a large shark.  Problem solved!  That’s what the Mayor and town businesses prefer to believe.  The Mayor refuses to let Hooper do a post-mortem to see if it is the man-eater.

A fisherman’s boat is attacked.  Still not enough to convince the town fathers and the  beach opens for the 4th of July. But a tourist sights the shark heading to an estuary and another life is lost.  Finally the Mayor is convinced to hire Quint and Quint goes out to sea with Hooper and Brody to do battle with the beast.  Many minutes of scary thrills ensue.

Hooper: I’m not going to waste my time arguing with a man who’s lining up to be a hot lunch.

Jaws, a parable for our times, with Richard Dreyfuss as Dr. Anthony Fauchi.  You have to get rid of the shark before you reopen the beach.

Well, I have to call another movie absolutely perfect for what it is.  I especially like the way the screenplay takes the time to develop the characters and its use of humor and family dynamics.  The acting is all wonderful.  I particularly  enjoy Robert Shaw in this film, so salty and sly.  The score is classic.  It looks great.  And time disappears as the story builds to an unforgettable climax.  A must-see.

Jaws won Academy Awards in the categories of Best Sound; Best Film Editing; and Best Original Score (John Williams).  It was nominated for Best Picture.

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