Body Heat (1981)

Body HeatBody Heat Poster
Directed by Lawrence Kasdan
The Ladd Company through Warner Bros

Repeat viewing
#673 of 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die


[box] Matty: [to Ned] You aren’t too smart, are you? I like that in a man.[/box]

It’s 1001 Movie Sunday and the Random Number Generator has come through again, this time with a neo-noir gem from the ’80’s.

Ned Racine (William Hurt) is a womanizing lawyer, with few scruples and less brains, in a small Florida town.   During a scorching summer, he meets Mattie (Kathleen Turner), a seductive married lady, and decides he must have her.  So begins a plot a bit reminiscent of Double Indemnity with several differences.  It would be criminal to give anything away.  With Richard Crenna as Mattie’s husband; Ted Danson as Ned’s friend the Assistant D.A.;  J.A. Preston as Ned’s friend the police detective; and Micky Rourke as an arsonist.

Body Heat 3

A modern-day Medusa

This was screenwriter Lawrence Kasdan’s directorial debut and he worked from his own script which perfectly captures the cynicism and irony of classic film noir.  He shows a deep understanding of the noir style and sensibility and updates it seamlessly.  It is as if the film makers for such classics as Out of the Past were suddenly given a budget to shoot in color and the opportunity to make the sexual hold of the femme fatale over the protagonist explicit instead of implied.   Heat permeates the film and a kind of red glow blankets the lovers to replace some of the chiaroscuro lighting of the films noir.

Body Heat 4

The ingenious story works well on its own but is doubly delicious in the context of the older films to which it refers.  The cast is uniformly excellent.  I am particularly fond of Kathleen Turner’s Mattie, who must be one of the most thoroughly ruthless vamps in film history.  The jazz-inflected score by John Barry adds to the atmosphere.

Mickey Rourke’s scene


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